Tombstone Tour 2023

 Pre-registration is closed for this event. Day-of registration is available

Due to heavy rain forecast, we have decided to cancel our Tombstone event. If you pre-registered, look for more details by separate email.

Saturday, October 14

NOTE: Some registrants have had difficulty registering multiple participants. If you have trouble, please register one-by-one, or use paper registration form.

Maumee Valley Adventurers and Metroparks Toledo invites you to participate in its 45th Annual Tombstone Bicycle Tour, which now includes the Family Haunted Ride, with routes starting at Oak Openings Preserve Metropark, located between Whitehouse and Swanton. Nature walks, hiking trails, birding, a new playground and the Window on Wildlife are activities you can enjoy before, during or after the tour. A complimentary photo will be taken for later download from our website. All participants in bike-friendly costumes are eligible to win prizes! Prizes will be awarded at 2pm.

The Family Haunted Route is an enhanced family-friendly 5-mile route on the Oak Openings bike trail, entirely inside the park. Join a Metroparks GUIDE at one of two guided rides starting at 11 a.m. or 1 p.m. at the Buehner Center. For new or first-time cyclists, ride on you own on this route any time during the day.

Our Intermediate and Long Routes include route map notes and GPS route maps you can download before the event, lunch and SAG support. A "Selfie Challenge" will be available at each cemetery.

Our Intermediate Route is a 15-mile loop.

Our Long Route, a 25 mile loop to historic Providence Metropark, allows you to visit a restored, working lock on the Miami-Erie Canal, a canal boat and a water-powered sawmill. A rest stop will be provided on the long loop at the Providence Metropark Dam Shelter overlooking the Maumee River.

For the more adventurous, combine both loops for over 40 miles of scenic cycling.

Check-in/day-of registration starts at 10:30AM.  The rides start at 11AM and all riders must be checked and on the route no later that 12-Noon.

Lunch is available from 12:00-3:00pm for all riders inside the Buehner Center. Feast on our famous Tombstone Tour Chili, fruit, PB&J sandwiches, cookies and hot/cold beverages.

While we have enjoyed many beautiful fall days in past years, please be prepared for all weather conditions.  Register on-line until Thursday, October 12th (midnight) to take advantage of pre-registration pricing (day of event fees are slightly higher).

GPS files and PDF Maps will be available prior to the event.

October 14th, 2023 10:30 AM through  3:30 PM
Show large map
Phone: 419-482-8225
Event Fee(s)
New MVA Membership
No Thanks! $0.00
1 Year MVA Membership $10.00
Day-of Registration Fee
Tombstone Adult (non-member) $30.00
Tombstone Adult (member) $28.00
Tombstone Youth 13-17 $10.00
Tombstone Child 6-12 $5.00
Tombstone Age 5 & under $0.00
Family Haunted Adult $5.00
Family Haunted Child $5.00
Volunteer $0.00