Irish Hills Bicycle Tour 2024

 Pre-registration is closed for this event. Day-of registration is available

Irish Hill Bicycle Tour - Sunday, September 15, 2024

THE 51st IRISH HILLS TOUR traverses the varied terrain of Northwestern Ohio and Southeastern Michigan. The shorter loops are flat, while the longer routes enter rolling hills, passing horse farms and lakes. The choice of 10, 31, 65, and 100 routes makes this the ideal tour for both the novice and the experienced rider. Map and marked routes with pavement arrows. SAG services available for emergencies or non-repairable breakdowns. GPS route files are available HERE and paper maps will be available at the event if requested (or PDF HERE).

WHERE: Tour will begin and end at Centennial Terrace, 5773 Centennial Road, Sylvania, Ohio. Take US 23 North or South to Monroe Street, Route 51 exit. Go west on Monroe Street, continue west on Erie St., continue west on Sylvania-Metamora to Centennial Rd. Centennial Terrace is at the southwest corner of Centennial and Sylvania-Metamora Road.

WHEN: Registration will be from 7:00-10:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 15 at Centennial Terrace. Longer distance riders should start early.

FOOD: Lunch is included for riders on the 65, 100 mile loops. Snack stops are provided on all routes: cookies, in-season fruits, trail mix, sports drink and water.

CHILDREN are encouraged to participate to the extent of their abilities. Parent or guardian must sign release form for riders under 18. Those under 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.

LODGING: A list of overnight accommodations will be provided upon request.

HELMETS: All riders are required to wear an ANSI/Snell/CPSC approved helmet while riding.

SAFETY: Ohio law regards the bicycle as a vehicle. The same rules apply to a bicyclist or a motorist. This means riding WITH traffic, stopping at all stop signs and red lights and giving hand signals to indicate turns. Be courteous to motorists and move to the right to permit vehicles to pass if you feel it is safe to do so. Your safety is YOUR responsibility.

ON-LINE REGISTRATION will close at midnight on September 13. You can register day-of the event for an additional fee: Adult 61/100 - $40 (Members $38), Adult 31 - $20, Youth 13-17 - $10 and Child 12 & under - free
NOTE: The 10-mile route is FREE as an introduction to touring (please register)

GPS FILES are located on RideWithGPS HERE and paper maps will be available day-of if requested.

September 15th, 2024 7:00 AM through  4:00 PM
SYLVANIA, 43560-9846
Show large map
Phone: 419-482-8225
Event Fee(s)
New MVA Membership
No Thanks! $0.00
1 Year MVA Membership $10.00
Day-of Registration
Adult 61, 100, 125 mi (Non-Member) $40.00
Adult 61, 100, 125 mi (Member) $38.00
Adult 31 mi (Non-Member) $20.00
Adult 31 mi (Member) $18.00
Youth - Age 13-17 $10.00
Child - Age 6-12 $0.00
Child - Age 5 & Under $0.00
Volunteer $0.00
10-mile Option $0.00